General Guidelines
1. Training:
All the students must go through the placement readiness training process to be prepared for the placements; the only students fulfilling this criterion will be allowed to appear for Campus Placements.
a. Prefinal Year students must maintain 75% attendance in the in-house Aptitude, Communication and Technical training sessions.
b. Minimum 10 mock tests need to be completed compulsorily.
c. Paid campus readiness training will be arranged for students and a minimum 1 workshop of 10 days i.e., 60 hours is advised to be taken by students.
2. General Guidelines:
• Students are encouraged to go for mock interviews before the placements and are encouraged to apply for all kinds of off-campus & all kinds of competitions but students should need to ensure to keep training and Placement cells in the loop.
• If any student opts for an online/offline course outside the college campus, he/she will inform TRAINING AND PLACEMENT Cell before campus drives.
• Students are expected to follow the format/ template suggested by training and placement cell for preparing the resumes. The details given in the resume have to be genuine and any student found violating this rule will be disallowed from the placement for the rest of the academic year.
• It is the student’s responsibility to check campus drive announcements/notices / updated information / shortlisted names etc. in the notice boards of Placement /what’s app group/ individual mail inbox.
• Seeking Exceptions to rules is discouraged: When any company comes to college for a placement drive, the company specify their criteria (no live backlogs, 60% throughout etc) and we forward the criteria to all students. It has been noticed that students who do not fit into the criteria keep seeking exceptions. For example, a company says “No live backlogs” and some student who has one live backlog keeps asking if he/she can apply. Similarly, a company has specified a cut-off as 60% throughout and students with 59.4% ask if they can apply. The answer to these questions is a clear NO. So, we expect students to read the criteria carefully and not seek exceptions if they do not fit the criteria.
Once any student completes the registration process for any on-campus/ pooled campus, he/she is bound to go through the entire selection process unless rejected midway by the company due to the unsatisfactory performance of the student. Any student who withdraws deliberately in the middle of a selection process will be disallowed from placement for the next 3 campus drives.